11 诺第留斯号(15)

Aside and in special compartments1, strings2 of supremely3 beautiful pearls were spread out, the electric light flecking them with little fiery4 sparks:


上海龙凤shlf最新地址pink pearls pulled from saltwater fan shells in the Red Sea; green pearls from the rainbow abalone;


yellow, blue, and black pearls, the unusual handiwork of various mollusks from every ocean and of certain mussels from rivers up north;


上海龙凤shlf最新地址in short, several specimens5 of incalculable worth that had been oozed6 by the rarest of shellfish.


Some of these pearls were bigger than a pigeon egg; they more than equaled the one that the explorer Ta上海龙凤shlf最新地址vernier sold the Shah of Persia for 3,000,000 francs,


and they surpassed that other pearl owned by the Imam of Muscat, which I had believed to be unrivaled in the entire world.


上海龙凤shlf最新地址Consequently, to calculate the value of this collection was, I should say, impossible.


Captain Nemo must have spent millions in acquiring these different specimens,


and I was wondering what financial resources he tapped to satisfy his collector's fancies, when these words interrupted me:
