The Drifting Tale of "Red River Valley"(“红河谷”漂流记)

【The Drifting Tale of "Red River Valley" 】

上海龙凤shlf最新地址The Drifting Tale of "Red River Valley"

上海龙凤shlf最新地址"the Red River Valley of Qingyuan Liaoning; the rushing water unstoppably;known as the first drift in the North, trying from the far with curiosity." On June 27th, 2012, mother and I went to experience the long-awaited Red River Valley drifting. Mother's colleagues, and my brother Li Rongsheng were in the same boat. I wore a life jacket, carried on a long gun, held a small iron pot, armed to the teeth and boarded on the kayak, was ready for battle!

The kayak was just into the water, the stinging fight was "staged": the challenging voice, the water sprinkling and playing sound were full of everywhere. I was calm, fighting and watching the change of the water and the running trend of the kayak. At the very start, the water flew gently, soon encountered the rapids, the fall was almost a meter. Before, the kayak was always drifting sidewards, I tried several times to turn the ship rightly, mum's colleagues thought I was timid and nervous, after all the capsizing was not to be trifled with, we were all " non-swimmers"! Once at the fall, the boat seemed to be afraid of capsizing, turned to right itself. Then it plunged into the water, blowing on our faces were big waves. Not until we took a breath, did the vortex scooped by the rocks in the water hit the kayak to turn all the time, the spray ran straight into my arms! Wow!My clothes was wet! But very cool!

上海龙凤shlf最新地址Thus, at the slow periods we were carefree and content, at the acute ones more scared than hurt. I enjoyed the scenery on the bank, the towering cliffs, eyeful green, it was really enjoyable!

上海龙凤shlf最新地址Along the way, the kayak was up and down, mom was talking and laughing, bailing and labbering without a break, I carried the water gun to shoot freely, all like playful children, extremely happy. The so-called "no friendship between two vessels, no feelings when pouring", at the midway, we were besieged by a group of strangers, the water was like a torrential rain pouring straight in the faces, the moment not opening the eyes, my gun was robbed!Hum, really angry. Now, this brief interluder became the farce of the drifting.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址Never expected, we would face a severe test -- the drifting gate of the hell Laoshao. Having a look, we were really frightened. Here was the torrent and deep water, the boat was bounced in the twinkling of an eye--Was it drifting? It was just clearly jumping! Then the boat was bounced again pressed the paddle down, I sucked a gasp, the ship crashed into a huge rock hidden in the surf, sidewards, was almost knocked over. This bump was extraordinary, immediately sprayed the big waves into our faces, a lot of water poured into the boat, that was called big waves outside the boat, small waves inside of it! Soon a large reservoir formed! Bouncing in the left and colliding in the right, the boat was thrown on a huge stone, at the top of the waves, mom was almost thrown out and caught my arm tightly. oh! Was not the God in help, or we're lucky, near missed, passed over Laoshao smoothly. Unfortunately my brother’s swim ring was swinged out, as a souvenir to the Red River Valley.

After tempestuous waves, after all was calm. Now, a happy voyage. Out of Laoshao, soon came to the end......

Ah, all the way we fought bravely, revealed the true colour of a hero! Red River drifting, full of adventure and excitement, Red River drifting, looking forward to seeing you again!


“辽宁清源红河谷,水势湍急不可阻;号称北方第一漂,好奇远来试身手。” 2012年6月27日,我和妈妈一起去体验了期待已久的红河谷漂流。同艇的是妈妈的同事、还有我的小弟李嵘晟。我穿好救生衣,拎上长水枪,握着小铁盆,全副武装登上皮艇,准备战斗!








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