
A Special Birthday Gift

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 This evening, my grandma's face was alive with special happy smile.Do you know why she was so happy?

In a snowstorm weather, my mother and I went shopping to Eurasia with delight, to make preparation for grandma’sbirthday dinner. We had been to four cake shops braving the wind and snow, butdidn’t pick up suitable birthday cake. Finally, my mother decided let thefamily assistant---me design it. In front of the counter, I explained theappearance of the design, and worried about the uncle couldn’t completely showmy design, then I was standing in front of the work table, "to monitor thewhole course". The uncle ridiculed me: "kid, you can rest assured, myworking age is older that your age!” I smiled, without words, lookedcontinuously.

Sure enough, my design was very good, the uncle's craft was even better.He knew I had been many shops for grandma’s birthday, he did the cake withspecial attention. To tell you the truth, saying the "monitoring", Ihad got a lot of unexpected harvests!

1, Ha ha, the leftover materials of the cake were eaten by me.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 2, The cake didn't include the "Shou" brand. But I made thecake before, understood some small common sense, so I had a nice chat with the uncle,he did an exception and gave me an elegant chocolate brand with word “shou ”.

3, The uncle found that I was a "small expert", he patiently taught me many skills. Forexample, I saw how to repair the cake with rounded corners: bending a disposabletransparent card into required radian, put it beside the cake and turn therotary table, scrape up the surplus materials, then came up with a perfectrounded corner.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 4, The boss appreciated my politeness, gave me a preferentialprice of 8.5 discount!

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 Look! Two white cranes were standing at the branches of a greencypress, dancing; six big pink peaches, like lovely babies, were opening their mouths,congratulating the birthday with smile! A bold, red word of "Shou", wasalive with happy and bless! This was the special birthday gift that I gave to mygrandma!

Outside the window, the blizzard was ruthless, the snowflakes werehavocking. Inside our house, butterfly flowers were flowering, Spring was inthe air. Three generations were under one roof, full of happy laughters andcheerful voices. We congratulated for grandma’s birthday together: the love ofchildren and grandchildren hided in the splendid dinner, inlaid in the specialcake, continuously passed to my dear grandma. I wish her have good health and along life!





上海龙凤shlf最新地址 1、呵呵,做蛋糕的边角余料,都让我吃了。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 2、这款蛋糕中不带“寿”牌。但是我做过蛋糕,懂一些制作小常识,所以和叔叔聊得很愉快,他破例赠送我一个巧克力做的精美寿牌。






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